Everyday hundreds of free ebooks are released online. If you don’t want to strain your eyes by reading ebooks online, then you may want to use text to speech converters to listen to these ebooks instead of reading them.
Another great benefit of using text to audio converters is that they help you in multitasking. You can do some other stuff while listening to the ebooks using these converters and save some time.
There are many free and commercial text to speech converters available. Each one have some different features. Also, there are desktop apps for conversion and web based converters. This page lists all the free and online text to speech converters. We believe that free and cloud based (web based) apps are good.
Free Online Text to Audio Converters
Murf Text to Speech: Murf is one of the most sought after text to speech software for its realistic voices. The platform is simple to use and users can either paste their text or upload script. Users get choose from 120+ voices across 20 languages. The platform also provides the capability to upload video/images and sync voiceover timing with them.
Zamzar : We have reviewed Zamzar before. Its a popular and free online converter. It also supports conversion of documents to MP3 format. Just upload any file like a Word document, a text file or a PDF file and get an MP3 version immediately.
iSpeech : iSpeech is a free online service that lets you convert any text to audio. You can convert any web page to MP3 format using iSpeech. After conversion, you can download or even embed the audio file on web.
VozMe : Another free online text to audio conversion service. A great feature of VozMe it supports multiple languages like English, Hindi, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan.
YakiToMe : YakitoMe lets you listen to any document format like presentations, emails, RSS feeds, ebooks, blog posts etc.
ABCtoMP3 : Using this online text to audio converter, you can convert PDF files, HTML files, plain text files or even a URL into an MP3 file.
If you know about any more free web based text to audio/speech converters, then do let us know using the comments form below and we will update this list immediately if the tools is useful.