4 Places To Get Free Ebooks Legally

This is probably the right time to post about ebooks. With iPad, Kindle and many more ebook readers in the market, almost everyone is dumping the bulky paper books and switching to ebooks. And why not, they cost less, they are good for environment, and they are portable. Here’s 4 places where you can get all the free, and legal, ebooks…

View Hidden Answers on Experts Exchange For Free

A few months back, I explained how to get a free account at experts-exchange. Once you have an account, and you are logged in, you can see all the hidden answers for free. However, if you want to see the hidden answers without even registering, then you can do that as well.

Convert Any Picture Into A Cartoon

Earlier I posted how you can convert any picture into a pencil sketch using Photoshop. Here’s another cool effect, convert any picture into cartoon. And it doesn’t even require Photoshop.

Fix Alignment Issues in Scanned Documents

You just scanned an image or document only to find that the scan is misaligned and hence not presentable. What would you do now? Scan again trying to keep the image or document straight…

How To Verify Paypal Account Without Credit Card in India

Until today, the only way to verify a paypal account was by linking a credit card to it. For Indian users, it was a big issue as most of the Indian users don’t have a credit card. But paypal have realized this problem and now you can verify your paypal account just by adding your bank account details to it.

Download Microsoft Visual Studio Beta 2

Microsoft Visual Studio Beta 2 version is finally available for free download. The beta 2 version fixes many bugs from beta 1 and adds a couple of new features. You can safely start developing with this beta 2 version, as I think there won’t be many changes in the final release.