To correctly map various locations, you will need to organize the order in which you visit the delivery addresses of your clients in the most efficient manner possible. In addition, you need to consider the time limits set by the customers, the capacity of the vehicles, and the hundreds of other factors and business regulations associated with the routing process.
Without a route mapping app, it is almost challenging to design multi-stop delivery routes in a manner that is both the most effective use of time and the least expensive use of money. There are a variety of route planning applications available, and each one of them has its unique approach to mapping many locations at the same time. But if you’re curious, we’ll show you an example of how to utilize Route4me to map many destinations at once.
The importation of delivery addresses as well as a map of several locations
When you want to route several places using the Route4Me Route Planner, you first need to either upload spreadsheets containing addresses or put pins on a map and utilize those locations as route stops. In addition, a multi-stop route planner will make it possible for you to input the routing information of your clients from any of your devices, the cloud, your CRM system, or your eCommerce platform.
Indicate the parameters of the route, as well as the business routing rules.
The next step is establishing optimization constraints and business regulations, which may include delivery time frames, fleet vehicle capacity, traffic bottlenecks, weather conditions, revenue per route, and other similar factors.
In this phase, you will also need to enter the number of available drivers, the number of routes you want to design, and any other optimization criteria you like. If you do so, you will have a greater degree of control over the output of the route planning, and it will be better able to meet your company’s requirements.
After you have mapped many locations, you should sequence the driving directions.
After you have specified your routing settings, the route planner will map several sites, after which it will design optimum routes for your delivery drivers that include ideal visiting sequences. You may create optimum routes with many stops and client shipping or delivery addresses in minutes rather than spending hours attempting to solve this complicated issue manually.
These routes can be planned in minutes rather than hours. At this point, all your client locations have been sorted in a manner that is both the most time-efficient and the most cost-effective to reduce the time your drivers spend driving. This eliminates the need for working extra and cuts down on the costs associated with gasoline and wages.
Mobile GPS navigation allows you to navigate routes with several stops.
The last stage in mapping several places is to navigate the multi-stop routes that were worked out beforehand. Your drivers may utilize the in-app GPS navigation included inside the route planner software for Android or iOS to provide a smooth and continuous procedure, beginning with route planning and ending with delivery. Your delivery drivers can also use other GPS navigation applications for their iOS or Android devices to get driving instructions for the routes that have been prepared using the route planner.
You may not get the most out of your optimized routes if you use third-party navigation apps such as Citymapper, Spyglass, or Alltrails. This is because not all these apps account for weather conditions, traffic jams, roadworks, and other unforeseen obstacles that your drivers may encounter.