When choosing a hosting solution, entrepreneurs pay attention to the cost and amount of resources provided. One of the most important parameters is the level of security. Secure hosting will prevent the loss of important commercial information, effectively resist hacker attacks, and provide reliable and uninterrupted operation of websites. The success of a business depends on the level of security of web hosting. Many aspects of security depend on the provider and the data center.
5 key safety factors
If you want confidence in the future, choose a reliable provider, such as Hostzealot, so you can be sure that your site will work consistently and uninterruptedly for all time. Experts highlight security factors you should pay special attention to.
Restrict access to confidential information against intruders
Security is ensured by using the SSH protocol, which is designed for remote administration of the operating system. The OpenSSH application is a tool for remote connection and login. The utility encrypts all information that is transmitted between the server and the client. This significantly reduces the probability of data interception, eavesdropping, and hacking attacks. SSH protocol provides authentication – logging in is possible after entering a password. Alternatively, authentication with public keys is an option. If intruders try to intercept transmitted data, thanks to encryption, it is displayed in random characters.
Firewall protection is one of the security measures. The firewall blocks unauthorized traffic, both inbound and outbound. At the data center level, it is a physical device that protects the network from malicious traffic. Web application firewalls are used to monitor and control traffic directed to specific applications. WAF Web application firewalls are firewalls that are designed to filter traffic. They detect and block network attacks. Some hosts include WAFs as part of their service package. However, the settings are individual (depending on the needs of the tenant). Firewall failures are usually caused by configuration errors. If you do not have enough technical knowledge, it is better to trust specialists to configure the settings. The hoster will configure the necessary parameters after the provision of the server for rent.
Backup data for easy recovery
The backup feature allows you to quickly recover data lost due to hardware failures, hacker attacks or administration errors. Creating a physical and digital backup is ideal. A digital backup of a website can help you quickly restore it in the event of server or physical machine failures. When choosing a provider, make sure you get the services:
• Backup in automatic mode.
• The short interval between backups.
• A long period of data storage.
• Storage for multiple copies of your site.
The presence of a well-functioning backup system means an undeniable advantage among competitors.
Malware detection and removal
Malware is one of the biggest threats to a site. Programs and codes that hackers use to infiltrate a device or a web resource become a tool for unauthorized access. The consequences of the infiltration can be different in nature:
• Theft of confidential information.
• Damage to the website, blocking its operation.
• Tracking your activity online.
Unintentional transmission of malware to your customers can lead to a negative reputation. When choosing a web hosting provider, make sure that there is a periodic automatic malware scanning option. Some hosting providers offer daily system scans to detect malware.
Resisting DDoS attacks
Preventing DDoS attacks is one of the most important ways to protect a website. A DDoS attack is the action of attackers who deliberately increase the volume of traffic so that potential customers are denied access to a web resource. Due to overload, the server cannot cope with the sharply increased number of requests, which leads to denial of service for visitors. To counteract DDoS attacks, a CDN is used. This is a network infrastructure designed to optimize the delivery of content to end users. A set of servers located in different locations stores cached content to deliver it as quickly as possible to visitors to the site. As a result, the likelihood of website disruption due to DDoS attacks is reduced. Some providers offer CDN support as part of the plan.
SSL Support
Some hosts include the SSL protocol, which encrypts transmitted information, in their data plans. Using an SSL certificate greatly increases data security. The protocol controls an encrypted connection between your web browser and the server.
The lack of a certificate can negatively affect a website’s ranking in search engine results. Thanks to an initiative by search engines like Google to improve security and user awareness, the web browser determines whether a site uses the SSL protocol or not. If the SSL certificate is not used, the search engine can consider the website insecure and will notify users. As a result, the number of visitors to the site will decrease, reducing the company’s profits. When loading pages on a site that uses SSL, a green padlock appears in the address bar. It is a visual sign of security. When choosing a web hosting service, it is worth checking whether the provider configures SSL for each domain.
Additional security settings
Protection of the physical server from threats is one of the provider’s primary tasks. Standard tools like surveillance cameras, motion detectors, and other access controls are used to protect the equipment. Server rooms are vulnerable to fire and natural disasters. To protect equipment from the effects of fire and moisture for the finish of the server room using fireproof and water-resistant materials. Autonomous power generators will ensure the uninterrupted operation of equipment during a centralized power outage.
Hosting management is done with the help of software. The client chooses one of the operating systems – Windows or Linux. The hoster provides a choice of any operating system.
Uptime is an important metric that shows how accessible the site is to users. Some providers provide additional protection through a RAID array, which ensures near-constant availability. Consolidation of multiple disks or SSDs into a single system to improve performance and resilience to failure is assumed.
A responsible provider regularly monitors the network for potential threats. It is much easier to analyze the situation and prevent a probable threat than to deal with its consequences. If you do not have enough technical knowledge and skills, it is better to delegate the server administration to the IT team of the hoster. In this case, you can count on the best security settings and maximum protection for your website.
Choosing web hosting is an important decision that affects the safety and efficiency of the website. When choosing a web hosting, one should take into consideration the peculiarities of the provider – how to handle software updates, availability of automatic updates, experience, and track record of the server administrators.