If you are planning to start a website soon, then you must have had booked the domain for it already. Isn’t it best to inform the people what you are up to and start collecting emails from day one, then putting a “Maintenance Mode” sign on the domain.
Also, if you are doing some design changes in your wordpress theme, then its best to inform your loyal visitors that you’ll be back soon. You should also ask them to subscribe to the blog so that they’ll be notified immediately when the site is up again.
In both cases, you’ll like to use something that automatically provides this functionality, and doesn’t involve much hassle. The simplest solution is to use a WordPress theme specially designed for blog maintenance mode or domain parking.
Domain Parking or Maintenance Mode WordPress Themes
You can use any of the following WordPress themes for domain parking or if you are pediting something on your WordPress blog. All these themes inform your visitors about your plans in an elegant way, and at the same time, collects email addresses to build your subscriber base.
Launchpad WordPress Theme
The Granddaddy of domain parking and maintenance mode WordPress Themes. It was the first released theme with this idea.
Launchpad theme contains a theme options page where you can copy your feedburner subscription URL, and you are done. Also, the theme is GPL licensed, so you can play with the colors and modify it to suit your niche. The theme comes in many languages including french and spanish versions. Download Launchpad theme here
Undercon WordPress Theme
Another really good wordpress theme for parking domains and putting your blog into maintenance mode. It is slightly advanced as it comes with a detailed theme options page where you can configure the title, description and the logo that appears on the domain’s homepage.
You can also add the feedburner subscription option, just like Launchpad theme and keep increasing your subscribers base. This theme also comes with GPL license.
Check the live demo of undercon here. Download the theme from this page.
Changing Room WordPress Theme
In terms of customizations available on the theme’s options page, this theme is most advanced. You can change the theme’s default colors, change the default, “please excuse us”, text.
Just like Undercon and Launchpad, it also contains the feedburner subscription option. The theme authors also claim that the theme contains fully valid code, that works in all the browsers.
See the live demo of changing room wordpress theme. Then go to the official page for detailed instructions and download.
Now that these great Maintenance Mode and Domain Parking WordPress themes are available, I hope I’ll never see that “Maintenance Mode” in H1 tag again.
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